12 Action Plan

“To enable MORE people, in MORE countries and places, from the equator to the north and
south poles, to access MORE of the wealth of this world, by becoming SHAREHOLDERS (in
leading companies) and thus part-owners, of their national economy”

This site is not just for information. It is to show you how to build your Wealth.

  1. Family head invites all to read everything at site
  2. Everyone Subscribes to future Newsletters. (Much reference to Newsletter#1)
  3. Have Family Discussion, including Children, explaining the Objective, Family
    Decision & Action Plans
  4. Explain Compounding & Time (as measured in decades) in the Family
    a) ‘Rome not built in a day’
    b) Building family wealth is a ‘marathon’ (long term-takes decades)
    c) ‘Not Usain Bolt 100M sprint’ (start investing today, wealthy tomorrow)
  5. See RIA to start wealth building discussion/implementation. Start with
    whatever money you have, however small. Buy only dividend paying stocks
  6. Discus all statements from RIA with Family, including children.
  7. Start investing with youngest child. Re-invest all dividends @ source to grow
    share count*
  8. Move up to eldest. Re-invest all dividends @ source to grow share count*
  9. Buy for mother. Re-invest 50% of dividends @ source to grow share count*
  10. Buy for father. Re-invest 50% of dividends @ source to grow share count*
  11. Buy Book (when published in 2 years) for more wealth-building strategies
  12. Read all chapters in Family Discussion. Use different Chairperson each time.
    NOTE: RIA to arrange dividend investing ‘at source’. Or www.directinvesting.com