
Strategies: How to build, and Transfer, Personal and Inter-Generational Wealth

Feb 14, 2024 Lloyd-Vermont

The purpose of this Manual is to encourage and assist you, and other readers across the globe, to adopt the Building, and Forwarding of Wealth, from one Generation to the next, as a Mandate to enrich yourselves You, too, and your children and their children, are entitled to some of the wealth of this world.

I want you, and other readers yet unborn, to get to the stage in your investing programme such that you can use the transformative and wealth-building powers of Compounding, and Time (as measured in the decades of your own lives) to generate Family Income on a revolving basis into the future for as long as your Family remains in existence. 

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Is it time to start preparing for the next market upswing?

Jul 5, 2023 Lloyd A. Vermont Sr.


A cardinal theme of this Newsletter, website (and the Book it is informing) is that every reader should become a stock market investor for all the reasons highlighted and emphasized throughout every Newsletter. This reminder goes especially to our Great grandparents, grandparents, and parents, to build wealth for the next generation through their great grands, grands and own children.

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Nine Fundamentals to become a Successful Stock Market Investor

May 19, 2023 Lloyd A. Vermont Sr.

“You have to keep learning if you want to become a great investor.” by Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s Partner @ Berkshire Hathaway, in Buffett’s 2022 Shareholder Letter


At this website, and the Book (being written) that it supports, (The Stock Market-Route To Inter-Generational Wealth (For those who want to build some but feel intimidated) we want to be the financial-change-maker in your life, and the future of your progeny, wherever in the world you live. This means buying’ into the concept, long known by the billionaires, that the way to wealth is not so much by man working for money (though it helps) but, rather, man putting his money to work for him.

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Getting Your Share: Seven (7) Ways to Make it in The Stock Market

Feb 23, 2023 Lloyd A. Vermont Sr.

Key Takeaways

As demonstrated by the billionaires and financial researchers, the world is full of a lot of wealth

Getting one’s share is there for the taking but, this is ‘easier said, than done’

As with other worthwhile objectives, getting one’s own takes a little effort, sometimes a little help,

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How To Build Stock Market Wealth ‘Right Where You Live’

Dec 4, 2022 Lloyd-Vermont

Key Takeaway

The BIG Picture

“Every income earner, and every consumer, should be a dividend receiver and Wealth Builder. All the ‘building ingredients’ are already ‘on-site’

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Building the mindset to create Inter-Generational Family Wealth

Nov 15, 2022 Lloyd A. Vermont Sr.

The Mission of our website and every Newsletter is;

“To enable more families, from more countries, to use the strategies of Inter-Generational wealth creation, through the stock market, to create more wealth, for more family members, on a revolving basis.” 

It Is possible!

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How To Use Your Dividends, And The Decades In Your Life, To Build Your Own Wealth

Oct 15, 2022 Lloyd-Vermont


“To enable more families, from more countries, to use the strategies of Inter-Generational-wealth creation, through the stock market, to create more wealth, for more family members, on a revolving basis”

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How to use the Stock Market to build your own Wealth-Stream

Sep 15, 2022 Lloyd A. Vermont Sr.

We have all heard, or read, about the stock market and how some people have used it, many from scratch, to create enormous wealth. This essay wants to introduce you to it with the suggestion that, although you still don’t know much of the details, you can, if you fall within the group with an open mind, use it to create some wealth for yourself too. Better yet, you could even use it to become the foundation of wealth for generations after you. It will help if you are also curious about how things work and don’t mind going to the experts for some help.

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Welcome To My ‘School Without Walls’

Mar 9, 2022 Lloyd A. Vermont Sr.

Philip A Fisher, widely respected, and admired as one of the most influential investors of all time in his book "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits" said

"Within the lifetime of most investors and within the period in which their parents could have acted for nearly all of them, there were available, scores of opportunities to lay the groundwork for substantial fortunes for oneself or one’s children"

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