Personal Wealth Building Digest

Fundamental Master Strategy

Let Your ‘Money WORK’ For You

( Like it does for the Billionaires).

Not you ‘working’ for it

(Like the rest of us do)

Servant Strategy #1

Own Income-Generating Asset that ‘throws off’ periodic cash flow eg:
a.  Rental Property that ‘throws off’ rental Income
b.  Shares in companies that ‘throw off’ dividend income

Servant Strategy #2

a. Use ‘thrown-off’ rental income to buy more rental properties
. Use ‘thrown off’ dividend income to buy more of the shares that paid it (or the shares of other dividend paying companies) This is called ‘DRIP Investing’ (Dividend Re-Investing Plan)

Servant Strategy #3 (The Pay-off)

a. Servant Strategy #2 (a & b) constitutes one of the biggest ‘hidden’ secrets in wealth building

b. It is called compounding (same thing they taught us at school; or tried to!)

c. Same concept Albert Eistein called the 8th Wonder of the world

d. Because, it grows wealth by ‘earning interest on interest’

Servant Strategy #4

a. Let Time (as measured in decades) turbo-charge the compounding impact on your investment while minimizing transaction cost and allowing you to sleep well at nights

b. Regard Time (as measured in decades) as the decades in your own life. This way your investment grows with you as you age towards retirement